Uses of rosin filter bags of different micron numbers
The smaller 25 and 45 nylon micron rosin bags are the most suited for squishing dry sift, bubble, dry ice, or other very fine material.
Invisible anti-pollen insect window screen mesh
The anti pollen screen mesh is made of composite material with a very thin diameter, which can reduce wind resistance and fine mesh and increase ventilation.
What is a rosin micron bag?
Rosin micron bags are kind of like coffee filters. The rosin filter mesh bags are available in various grades, and those grades are measured in micron units.
Nylon Mesh Permanent basket shape Coffee filters
The China-made basket shape filter is manufactured of superior quality nylon which means it rinses clean after each use.
Applications Of Nylon Mesh Filter Bags
Widely used in electronics, semiconductor, chemical, pharmaceutical, food, beverages, paints, paper industry, automobile manufacturing, inks, resins, water treatment and other fields.
What is a filter bag?
Filter bags can be the ideal solution for your industrial filtration application needs. They are designed to remove contaminants and debris from liquids and the dirt is caught inside the bag.
Air Conditioning Filter
Air mesh nylon in the house or offices is used to remove solid contaminants such as smoke, pollen, dust, grease and pollen to ensure better air quality for the occupants. A study showed that indoor pollution is common these days due to the chemicals that are used in household furnishings and various goods.
nylon mesh paint strainers with fine 190 micron filter tips
Nylon mesh paint strainers are ideal for automotive coatings like primers, sealers, basecoats, clear coats and single stage topcoats. Also excellent for house, hobby, arts and craft paints.
Benefits of GEZI air mesh nylon
You can protect yourself from outdoor allergens by wearing a mask. But you cannot wear a pollution mask indoors. For indoor allergies, converting your air conditioning nylon mesh filter into an air filter might be really beneficial.