21  Dec, 2022

What is a filter bag?

Filter bagscan be the ideal solution for your industrial filtration application needs. They are designed to remove contaminants and debris from liquids and the dirt is caught inside the bag.

Other filter technologies collect the solids on the outside of the device giving them the potential to dislodge into the filter upon removal. Nylon filter bags keep the clean side of the filter that way, The filter bags remove the amount and size of contaminants depends on their specific micron rating

A micron is a unit of measurement equal to one-millionth of a meter. It is used to measure individual particles of pollutants. The micron-level indicates the amount and size of contaminants that the filter can remove. The filter bags are rated at 1 to 200 microns.

The smaller the number of microns, the finer the level of filtration that can be achieved. However, the micron level is not the only determinant of filter performance, to fully understand the performance of the filter, you also need to understand the removal efficiency.


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